These images are extremely important and revealing for reasons I will try to explain. I will also add some thoughts from my own perspective. There is no need for me to duplicate what Dr. Deborah and Terral Croft state very correctly in their comments. Their analysis and diagnosis is one I share and agree with. Image speak to us in ways that words cannot. They reach into the right hemisphere which is where we perceive the forest, not just the trees. Imaginal perception is irreducible to "data points". We see with the soul, so to speak. In the past, humans maintained and revered this ability and sought out those amongst us gifted to read the runes or see the writing on the wall. What these images reveal is more than fibrinogens and tin-activated polymerization leading to killer "clots". It is more than the mere concept of self-assemblage of components of a binary or tertiary bioweapon: nanolipids + GO + controlled frequency activation (5G, 6G, digital space based HAARP). It is more than reverse transcriptase manipulation and CDB (cross domain bacteria) or More even than the concept of a parasitic mind virus which enfolds, envelops, occludes and effectively then devours original cell and its innate functions. What we witness here is rather an invading force, an occult swarm that has mastered the application of certain morphologies of biological emergence: primarily tumescence and tendril-ization. What we see here is an invading non-human intelligence pouring into the human vasculature like a barbarian horde seeking conquest. It has the ability to hack into morphologies of biological emergence (breasts, ducts, nodes, pupae, tendrils) but in extremely vicious, hyper-aggressive, repulsive ways and random, disorderly renditions suggesting diabolic and otherworldly predation at loggerheads with Logos and Sophia. Since I have spent as much time looking at artworks as I have looking at and into human anatomy, I can see in these images echoes of classical marble reliefs and stelae in which battles are depicted, or cathedral portals with hellish entanglements of demons. If one steps away away from the simple technical frame of reference, one "sees" all manner of heads, grimacing skulls and writhing inchoate bodies in states of partial embodiment and/or dissolution. It is this "psychic and otherworldly" energy which becomes ultra-clear to the eye. It is the energy that is captured by the image, and where that energy comes from beyond the veil placed by our modern rationalist-materialist culture, or matrix. It presents far more than just the molecular or even quantum electrodynamic perspective. What we see is an invading force bringing with it not just a quantum entanglement at nanoscale but evidence of writhing, manic and aggressive energies merging and then erupting into physical mass capable of shutting down an entire arterial system. That said, I also want to point here to the opposite direction of hope and empowerment: towards the brightness, the good, twoards the solution. It appears that turmeric is clearly responsive to light, and we already know it is pleiometric. It appears from these images, and also from your anecdotal reports about healings people experienced from severe edematous conditions, that turmeric acts as an antagonist and antidote to the vicious, creeping tendrils of hydrogels. It could be called their kryptonite. This is something I have myself already addressed. Turmeric, the golden root, represents solar order embedded into Mother Earth and presents us with a weapon with which to dismantle and dismember the invading hordes of predatory and parasitical beings intent on our destruction. The weakening of the borders (the collapsing strength of the front line) ensues. The attack weakens, and the enemy rots under the pressure of its own entropy.

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Awesome. Absolutely well said!

I have had two strange dreams in the past few years that tell me this is so. That there is an invader into our world. One of those dreams, the first one was, I was looking into the blue sky and saw a group of morphing cubes coming down. They had a black look to them with that white light which moves around in them, and it looked very computerish, technical. They came down and many people started to go missing. A bunch of us were caught in a large building and we started working together to find a way out. We eventually did, and then the police/military were called to the scene and they trapped the cubes into a metal box then sealed and buried it.

The other dream dealing with the same subject, which was only about 2 and a half years ago, was about human-sized spider people who manifested three, three-floored tall buildings side by side next to each other instantly on a street, they just appeared out of the blue, no one had built them, they simply appeared, as though they were always there, but they weren't, they were intruding, attacking. I watched as one of those spider people, a male, cloaked itself to look like a human, and then attracted a blonde lady who followed him into a house, where she had her blood sucked. I felt there was something wrong watching him, so I went in after them, and when I saw him, he had the body of a spider, with the upper torso looking more human-like, but a really big back end and spider legs. I demanded to know what he did with that lady he brought here, to which I got my answer, without him saying anything, that she was in the back room, dead. He was thinking to attack me, but I fought back, and next thing happening is I was chasing him around the room and he was scared. When I was done with him, I walked outside and I asked Source, who was right there in the atmosphere, with me, I asked him what was happening. He said that we are being invaded. And that's when I thought back to when I saw those three houses manifest out of thin air, fitting themselves in a neighbourhood from which to do their nefarious work.

So you can say that, these dreams are aligned to what these photos are showing. Those strange monsters invading our lives trying to steal our lives from us. We must fight back and protect ourselves. Yes to Turmeric, the Sunshine herb. I have been taking teaspoons of it and drinking it down with water. Simple and helpful.

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Hello, Gas;

Thank you for publishing your work. I understand we all are different (in terms of health/genetic/living conditions etc.), however do we know why some people have more these staff inside compare to others? Thanks.

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Hi Leon.

There is no saying who or how many people have these.

All cause mortality is rather high world wide and not going down.

Morticians might find anywhere from 3-7 out of ten cadavers per day with these structures in the cardiovascular system from what I am hearing.

I would suggest you make up the turmeric tea recipe I posted. It might help. It will not hurt. I expect it will improve your quality of life and general health.

Something very wrong is happening and others need to look at it seriously.

We have done what we could but it's rather complex and a dark rabbit hole.

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Leon, when the cabal made up those viles of vaccine for their covidscam, they carefully thought out that if everyone suddenly became ill and passed away, they would be in big trouble. To make it easier for them to get away with it, they put dangerous poisons in some of them, milder amount of poisons in others, and a saline solution in others. Then they delivered the most poisonous to those places that they wanted certain people gone, nevertheless, these things got distributed everywhere in a chaotic way so that you don't know what you're getting in their cracker box. Some people are also more sensitive than others, spiritually as well as physically, and therefore would be more affected. That's what I have found out.

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Excellent work! You both are doing some serious work. Thank you!

Alien Phosphorylated Fibrinogen with a dash of Hydrogel

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Hi Dr. Deborah: Thank you for sending me the link to this important post. Hopefully Dr. Corrin reviews the images and offers his comments too. Please add comments to my lengthy warning post just added a few minutes ago and shared in my notes. Maybe we can help and wake up a few to prepare while there is still time. Blessings, Terral

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Hi Terral. Yes, much credit given to this team for their dedicated efforts. I will post some thoughts I have had over the years in reference to these structures and re-post the link here on an edit later on. Unfortunately, any follow up on these clots appears to be blackened out into the dark hole. Thanks again to Gas's team for bringing this back into focus. Blessings, Deborah

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These are the first microscope pics of the calamari clots I've seen. Now, why is this so? Why hasn't any of the 'big boys' on here done any analysis, or even talked about them?

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Wow you guys are at it! Thank you for taking the bull by the horns and looking at these things.

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Thank you for sharing!

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what the actual fuck......

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Greetings: Thank you for sharing this excellent post that has been cross posted (https://terral.substack.com/cp/157065458) with my clarifying statements. There is far more going on here than meets the eye, and a good idea might be to stop characterizing the fleshy substances as "clots." You are looking a images of nanofilament (nanobot appendages), hydrogel material (glue holding the nanocomponents together) and body material of a Hydra/silicon-based hybrid lifeform. See my posts that includes a link to my interview with Tina Griffin and my comments to Dr. Ana Mihalcea:



The Hydra-hybrid lifeform is a component of the VAX allowing AI to better communicate with the nanobots used inside the human body allowing AI to integrate everyone into the Real-World Simulation. Look at the images again to realize you are looking at carbon-based/silicon-based lifeform tissue! The Globalist Agenda is to transform human beings into human/silicon lifeform-based hybrids allowing AI to manipulate and control every individual on the planet using the Digital Space-based HAARP Carrier Wave and billions of sub-frequencies.

These are nanocomponents of the highly-sophisticated SARS-VAX Binary Bioweapons that have grown to gigantic proportions due to uncontrolled nanofilament replication akin to cancer for silicon-based lifeforms. The uncontrolled replication is like Morgellons Disease where the bodies of some human hosts reject the bioweapon nanofilament components.


Everyone reading these words has been infected with the SARS Binary Bioweapon and transfected by Vaxxers with the VAX bioweapon components.

This may be my only opportunity to help you unplug from The Matrix that has a hold on all of you right now. You are being played!


This is my message posted to try and help people wake up and prepare. Follow the breadcrumb trail to other posts, until you wake up and see the Light.

Project Stargate is a smokescreen op providing infrastructure upgrades for Super-AI running the Real-World Simulation in the Underground Ark City connected to the Denver Airport. The Chemtrails + Drone-spraying Mystery Fog Nano upgrades allow every human and animal to be integrated into the AI-run Real-World Sim. Dr. Nicholas Corrin can help you to remove the nanocomponents from your blood, and to purify your blood:

Eliminate the Nanotech: https://terral.substack.com/cp/149970814

Live or Perish: https://terral.substack.com/cp/149460778

Purify Your Blood: https://terral.substack.com/cp/152360568

Activate your Heart Force against Evil: https://drnicholascorrinomd.substack.com/cp/155157605

Get on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen (How To: https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store) for neutralizing the binary bioweapon threats.

Wake up and unplug! Follow the White Rabbit: https://terral.substack.com/p/nasa-future-strategic-issueswarfare - https://terral.substack.com/p/using-our-nano-silver-video-part -

Terral Croft




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Thanks for cross posting. Like you , have been following this for years. by genetic editing through transfection and reverse transcriptase facilitated through the cationic nano lipids in

Serious attack upon humanity. From my notes a few years ago. As you are well aware. This applies to all now. Not just the vaccinated.

These inoculations are by mechanism of gene deletion. They are also going to become remotely controlled through RF/ EMF/ optogenetics facilitated by a nano ferritin and graphene

induced cellular and protoplasmic dendritically response and subcutaneous/hematologic/interstitial galvanic/Faradic vestibular, synapse, neuron and dendrite stimulation and excitation. Thus effecting one’s efferent motor skills, afferent sensory perception and totally hijacking their cognitive function. Of which they will not be cognizant. The target of these jabs are the limbic system, central nervous system as well as peripheral nervous system which is divided by the autonomic and somatic nervous systems. The lymphatic system is targeted by nano swimmers designed for remote drug delivery. While Thera gripper based biosensors will be distributed throughout the body. The jabs also contain self assembling( tranfectors) nano technology which facilitates self assembly of nano routers as part of both a intermural and intramural biometric bilateral wireless human interphase device. This is accomplished through a chronological administration of a predisposed number of injections. One of the major complications of this is what I believe is the mechanism of action causing kreutzfelt jakobs disease in which gliosis causes a deficit in myelin. This is likely a product of graphene oxide and the toxicological damage to the CNS and being a highly conductive material present in the capillaries of the brain which is compounded by the deficiency in myelin to maintain sheaths. Myelin is a lipid rich material that insulates axons and separates action potentials in excitable nerves. Due to the nature of the piezoelectric effect, I believe graphene also serves as a power source to drive, power and charge the nano scale components derived from the jabs.

They also contain a hydrogel polymer which I suspect it’s composition is that of Na2Sio3 or an analogous compound with a substitution K2Sio3 which are silicate based binders.

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I will comment in depth later. Much to add. Very busy at this mo. Thx.

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First, Keep in mind that above all specifics regarding any aspect of the health and medical deceptions, strategies, and technologies, we are currently living through the COVID TECHNO-NANO-BIO WAR era where humanity is designated to be killed by 90%. Actual WAR, DEATH, AND SLAVERY IS UPON US. RESIST EVERY WAY YOU CAN.

Second, there are NO Covid-19 viruses because it was never isolated and tested for proof of its existence. Instead it is an intelligent nano- / bio-weapon that’s also a living parasite!”, and it even has a patent. According to researcher, Karen Kingston, "people were not initially getting sick from Covid, but rather from the spike protein which can be easily distributed, and which also was delivered in vaccines. Citing peer review journals, Kingston said “They look like cholesterol, and … per the patents, these can be delivered in an aerosol attack, they can be delivered through water, they can be delivered in food, and so what people were infected with, was an artificial intelligent parasite.” She says they are built, and patented, to spawn.

Third, the injected binary weaponized mass-death, bioweapon is at least two things: A self-aware (intelligent) parasite intended to spawn “viruses, diseases, biosynthetic structures, as well as host the development of new species,” and its growth is activated by cellular (5G) technology. The other half of this binary weapon is Graphene Oxide (GO: A superconductor material): Also introduced into the body via the Covid-19 injection 'fake vaccine' that's designed to spread to all major organs especially the the electrical ones: brain, heart and spinal column. GLOW-IN-THE-DARK? Also, part of the injection is Luciferase which causes veins to glow under a black light is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, according to Wikipedia.

CTDT ???

nano-antennas and bio-synthetic intelligent living AI organisms acting as a hybrid, binary Conscious-Thinking-Digital Entity (CTDE).

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At best , after years of psychological manipulation placed upon society, come full circle in reference to ALL your research over the years , including your work with Clifford years ago / Morgellons. Loosing research team members and family members, myself included. I elect to stay on the N/S , Sodium Borate protocol along with other beneficial natural things as Dr. Nicholas Corrin brilliantly offers. All we can do is protect our individual cells. Disconnect the transmission into our cells.

I refer bac to your link. GODSPEED !!


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Staring into that chaos, all I see are monsters, with open mouths. They have been put there by nefarious beings with ill intent. I listened to a man's video earlier today, whose name is Kevin, and he goes by the channel name, "Homesteading Off The Grid." He tells people's stories of what's going on. That chemical fog is full of those nanobots. I've seen a video someone took where these orb like things suspended in animation in the sky were dripping something that was melting from them. In a patent in google, the way to make nanobots is like that. They drip off some type of metal and it forms those nanobots. In this video: https://youtu.be/nKOKAUKlTp0

Kevin tells us of a man who, when exposed to that chemical fog, became very ill very quickly, and the doctors found that he had almost NO BLOOD IN HIM!!! Now how could that be? Maybe because those monsters with their wide open mouths are sucking up as much blood as they can eat. Doesn't that remind one of the Rudolf Steiner teachings about Ahriman, and how all that one wants is a drop of blood?

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We saw it also Maria. I personally thought it was my imagination.

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Oh my gawd, you saw it, they sucking out the blood out of people? That is the next step to a walking zombie, or an "android"....

But, oh my goodness, didn't Rudolf Steiner also say that, as much as Ahriman wants the blood, it can't exist side by side next to or anywhere near that blood??? Oh my goodness. Now it makes sense to me. Those nanobots are like vacuum cleaners then.

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Oh I don't think we should call this zombie apocalypse Maria. Sure there are some odd things in the chaotic images. Maybe some of us have over active imagination and other don't see what you or I see. They see a plate of blue pasta noodles nothing more nothing less.

I think we need to look at this from a scientific stand point and look for solution to whatever is being triggered.

If it's tin sulfur or phosphorus then we need to look at eliminating this from our diet.

Stop the coca cola. Put a good water filter on on tap. Change some dietary supplement and adapt. This is another hurdle in human evolution. We need to look at it seriously and over come what ever is setting it off.

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